What Happens If You Don't Tune Skis?

Tuning your skis is essential to keep them in good condition. It can also help prevent rust and a consistent edge. It can also prevent the base from drying out. If you regularly abuse your skis, you may want to consider getting tune-ups more often. Check our ski maintenace guide for more.

Avoid Rust

If you want to keep your skis in tip-top shape, you have to make sure you take care of the edges of your skis. Rusty edges can ruin your skiing experience. Rust occurs when water gets into the metal edge. The rust continues to grow as you use your skis, so it's important to treat the rust before it gets out of control.

While tuning your skis, you should always put them in a dry and air-conditioned place to prevent rust. You should also wipe off the edges of the skis with a light-weight sandpaper to avoid removing the base. You can also seal the edges of the skis with hot wax, but this can be messy. Find out if new skis need to be waxed.

Prevent Ski Bases From Drying Out

Preventing ski bases from drying out is crucial if you want to avoid rusting and other damage. Without proper maintenance, your ski bases will become ashen faced or grey, and their edges will begin to shrink. This will cause the skis to lose grip and cause them to drag and slow down during turns. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent this from happening.

One way to prevent your ski bases from drying out is to tune them frequently. The first step in tuning your skis is to check their shape. Make sure the base is flat and level from the edge to the edge. Run a true bar down the base and check for any high or low spots. If there are, you may need to adjust the edges. You can also use a light to check your skis' bases.

Maintain Your Skis in Tip-top Condition

Ski maintenance is essential for keeping your skis in the best condition. Treat your skis just like you would your body. Even after years of use, a properly maintained pair of skis can function at peak performance. Luckily, there are simple ways to do this. Here are a few tips to help you take care of your skis. They should also be properly stored. This will prevent damage during the off-season.

Skis need regular maintenance to keep their edge sharp and prevent rusting. If the edges are rusted, your skis will not grip the snow as well and will slide around the turns. Wipe dry the edges whenever you're not skiing.


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